Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Joplin, Stockpiles and Letting Go

After the recent devastating weather events that have taken place in Joplin, Mo, Alabama, Oklahoma and Arkansas, those of us who were unaffected feel compelled to do something, anything to help those who were in harm’s way.

There are many ways you can help, donations of money, goods from your stockpile, blood, services, etc. Our family doesn't have a lot of wiggle room in our budget, which I'm sure is the case for many of you. I also don't have a high-need blood type. With two small children to take care of, I can’t run out to aid in clean up either. However, I do have a stockpile.

As some of you saw on Facebook, I was contacted a few months back by the Producers of TLC’s show Extreme Couponing about possibly being on the show. They informed me that Season 2 is really going to be focusing on stockpiling, the bigger the stockpile the better! I have a moderate stockpile but I could really build it up over the next few weeks if I wanted to in an effort to secure a spot on the show. I thought about it, prayed about it and eventually came to a conclusion I really didn't expect. I'm going to give most of my stockpile away. I'll save one or two of most items, but for the most part I'm going to donate it to those in need.

Did you know that the majority of my current stockpile came for the Kroger/Dillon's store in Joplin, Mo? What a blessing that I have the opportunity to give back to the town I couponed in!

This move will most definitely mean that I will not be on Extreme Couponing, and you know what? That's ok. My family and friends are safe and healthy, my home is still standing and my life is going on today exactly as it did yesterday. So many people can't say that right now.

I was surprised at how hesitant I was to let go of so much of my stockpile that had nothing to do with the show-

What if I need something?

What if a sale doesn't come around?

Insecurities and lack of trust flooded my mind. But you know what immediately followed? The confident assurance I have that no matter what, God will provide for my family just as He always does.

After all, it really is just stuff. Plus, I'm not sure I want to know if the camera actually adds ten pounds or not. :)

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